viernes, 27 de mayo de 2016

A15: Evaluation report

A14: Autoevaluation

A13: Eating badly

In our class we know the importance of good food and bad food. We did this proyect for share with more people the importance of eating goodly.

       Super Size Me
The documentary talks about a man that only eats fast food for a month. When two weeks passed, the doctor told him to leave the experiment or it will cause serious health problems, but he didn't pay attention him continued. After a month, he was very bad and had many blood problems and high colesterol. The documentary talks about some disavantages of fast food and how it affects health. I think that fast food is very harmful so people must eat many vegetables and fruits and excersise more.
Although fast food is very cheap and tasty, we should not eat it.

A12: I open my eye

A11: Science in our dishes

In our class we work with the relation with science and the food so, in physics and chemistry we did these project.


¿Qué es?

- Un método destinado a preservar los alimentos, de forma que se encuentren disponibles para el consumo durante un mayor tiempo. El efecto es la salazón es la deshidratación parcial de los alimentos, el refuerzo del sabor y la inhibición  de algunas bacterias. Existe la posibilidad de salar frutas y vegetales, aunque lo frecuente es aplicar el método en alimentos tales como carnes o pescados. A menudo se suele emplear para la salazón una mezcla de sal procedente de alguna salina acompañando con nitrato sódico y nitrito.


- La salazón está formada por los siguientes elementos químicos: Cloruro de sodio( Na, Cl).

A10: From the ground to the table.

We think that is important knew where grows our food so we want to did these project.



Sowing takes place after making a good working on the land. Once the trees are planted, they are spraed with insecticides to prevent pests time to prune.


Harvesting is done by hand in several collections to pick fruit with good caliber, good cooperation and good flavor. If we caught all at one time, we would catch fruits in perfect condition and other very green. There fore, it is caught in several times.


Once the collection, the products reach the center to be worked.
When ou are working at the plant, fruit passing through the calibrator, ranging selecting fruit by size and color. The fruit can be packaged in various packaged formats.


The preservation on fruit, it is to have a good temperature in cold. If the product is to be sent to other distant countries where transportation takes day to arrive, it is introduced into the box some envelopes that take the ethylene (oxygen of fruit) to cut their maturation process expiration of a product depends the time that they are collected.


The transport used in domestic marked, usually refrigerated trucks. If the product goes to other countries, the transport it would be by boat after having left containers in the part.

A9: Trip to the herb country

Laurus nobilis

El laurel es originario del este Mediterráneo y de Asia Menor.
Tiene usos medicinales, empleándose en infusiones como tónico estomacal, para abrir el apetito o para mitigar la fatiga. También es utilizado como remedio contra las enfermedades respiratorias, aplicando baños de vapor.
Como usos culinarios, las hojas sirven para dar sabor a los adobos, los estofados y a los caldos de pescado. Interviene en casi todos los guisos.

C1: 1st meeting in Portugal

These are some photos that we did in Moita

A8: Our grandparents's recipes.

A7: Report evaluation.

A6: Evaluation phase 1

A5:Choose our logo.

We choose our logo in Portugal.

A4: Tell me what you eat

M1: Transvational meeting.

A3: I introduce my self

A2: What is eating properly?

viernes, 13 de mayo de 2016

How we imagine you?

These are some cartoons that we did picturing to you.